Happy Thursday



In today’s edition of Thursday’s training I am going to share with you my number one tip for better movement and we are going to talk about HIIT that is High Intensity Interval Training.


Movement, it’s such a fundamental part of our lives yet we often take it for granted. It’s only when movement has gone that we realise what we once had.


Whether you want to be a great athlete or you simply just want to enjoy life injury/pain free then you need to learn to move well.


I always find it interesting that we are taught to read, write, add, subtract but no one ever tells us how to move. We just figure it out.


Have you ever seen a toddler squat, it’s easy and for most part perfect. Yet when it comes to most adults we can’t squat for sh*t (pun intended)

So what happened

We sat down. We sat on our chair, sofa’s, in our cars, at the computer and everywhere else. Humans are lazy and quite frankly any opportunity to take the easiest option and we will. Some people call it advances in the modern world. Cars, escalators, lifts, mobile phones, emails, online shopping etc. It’s all so easy, we don’t have to move anymore.








How do we learn to move again

We have to relearn from the beginning. When we are born, we are completely mobile creatures and then we learn how to stabilise, we roll, crawl, and climb.


The art of better movement is in playing and exploring

My best piece of advice for better movement is go and be a kid again. Take your shoes off, get your hands on the ground for maximum sensory feedback, and feel things out.

Here is a video of me exploring the squat pattern







HIIT Training

One of the most effective tools in the tool box for blasting unwanted fat is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

What is HIIT?

HIIT is a method of intense cardiovascular exercise that elevates your metabolism for up to 24 hours after a training session

What’s the science?

HIIT works because of a process called excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC). It creates an oxygen debt and buildup of lactic acid in muscles have to be returned back to normal (homeostasis)

In layman’s terms this means the additional calories you burn after exercise while your body is recovering back to it’s normal resting state. #theafterburneffect

How to HIIT?


Step 1 – Get medical clearance

Step 2 – Make sure you have a great warm up

Set 3 – Set a timer. I like a 2:1 ratio for HIIT, that could be 2 minutes active recovery followed by 1 minute flat out. It could be 40 seconds of active recovery followed by 20 seconds flat out.


Step 4 – Your HIIT should last between 12-40 minutes

The key is to push yourself during the flat out effort. The more you push the more intense the better the results!!

So there you have it,

Paul ‘on the play’ Miller