Happy Monday,

This week we are aiming sky high and coming to you with everything you need to know, not only about training and nutrition but LIFE in general. Let’s call it your motivational Monday.

As you will all know The Results Personal Training Method is built around 4 fundamental pillars.

1 A positive mindset

2 Nourished By Nature

3 The Smart Training System

4 The Good Life

[Read more about these here]

Because it’s a weird old world out there at the moment, these pillars are slipping for many of us.

So if you’ve been feeling a bit sub par, and are looking for some inspiration to grab life by the balls, first grab your cup of coffee by the handle and settle into our first of two instalments – the A-M guide for NAILING LIFE.

Consider us your personal trainers, nutritional masters, and life coaches.

You’re welcome!

The A – Z of Training, Nutrition and Life 

In today’s post I thought I would bring you the A-Z of all things training, nutrition and life. 

And because you guys who clicked the link or opened the email to view this can’t spend all day reading, I have made it a 2 part(er) 

So without further ado here is A – M 


A is for Assessment

The initial assessment is a crucial part of program design. Every client is unique and has unique issues, postural differences, individualised goals etc. Without a comprehensive assessment you can’t possibly know how to address a client’s individual needs. 

B is for Behaviour modification 

I work with many clients with postural dysfunction, and more often than not their problems come down to simple maths. 

I have 1 hour to fix the problem and they have another 23 hours to mess it up. 

Let’s assume you train 3 days per week, included foam rolling, mobility and soft tissue work – awesome 

Conversely you sit in front of a computer for 40 hours per week working on reports, spreadsheets and updating your facebook status  – not so good 

It only takes 20 minutes for tissue to creep and your body will always adapt to the position it is in most. 

Simple modifications like not slouching, being dynamic in your sitting positions and setting alarms every hour to get up and stretch makes a huge difference 

C is for Coat yourself in a thick layer of bullshit repellent 

Within the world of health and fitness there is a huge amount of B.S that goes on. Supplement companies getting sued, pyramid schemes, insane diets, programs being touted by professional marketers, gimmicks and promises that would fall nothing short of a miracle 

If it sounds like crap and it smells like crap – it’s because it is crap. 

D – Is for Don’t Drop “taking care of yourself” from your to-do list 

The reason why many of us fail with our fitness endeavours is because life just seems to get in the way. 

The kids get sick and you can’t go to the gym 

Your boss dumps a huge bunch of paperwork on the desk and spin class is going to have to wait

You forgot your phone at home and there’s no point of going to work out if you can’t share it on social media 

Whatever the reason, it’s not a reason to just not train. Have a contingency – get some kettlebells at home and cut back your hour training session to a short 20 mins of hard work. 

Remember, stuff will always come up. Be prepared 

E is for Endorphins

You know that feeling of ‘ I can take on the world ‘ after you have a great sweaty workout. That feeling of being ‘high on top of the world’ is all down to little things called endorphins. Endorphins activate opioid receptors in the brain that generate feelings of euphoria. Exercise has been shown to be the most effective antidepressant on the planet. 

F is for the magic five Fs 

FOCUS – We live in a world of distraction. We are all bombarded on a daily basis with crap. Key one is to focus on the one thing. Keep the goal the goal. 

FLAWLESS – Perfect practise. ‘’The way you do anything is the way you do everything’’ 

FREQUENT – Simply the more often you practise the better you get 

FRESH – Do as much as you can while staying fresh. Practise fresh and stop before you start to deteriorate. The goal of training is not to be sweaty and tired, it’s to be better 

FLUCTUATING – In order to get good at something you must practise specifically. BUT if you always do the same thing you will plateau. The key is to train the same but different. AKA variations. 

G – Is for Gardening 

The feeling of cooking your own produce that you have grown is pretty amazing. Bear has recently taken to gardening and he is loving it. He heads out to the veggie garden every day to water, weed and harvest. 

Getting your kids out in the garden is super important. Our gut health is a direct reflection of the food we eat and where the food has come from. If food is grown with synthetic chemicals, then processed and packaged until it no longer resembles food, then it’s not going to do much for our kids. BUT if we give them fresh food and expose them to dirt and microbes giving them elements of nature – soil, sun, water we can make our children more resilient and robust 

H is for H20 

It is no secret that hydration is so, so important. It can improve concentration, make you feel more awake and flush out toxins. 

I is for all the ‘I’ things on the interwebs 

Do yourself a favour and get off the interwebs. And when I say interwebs I don’t mean this newsletter. I mean the social media nonsense of the world 

By all means go find things that inspire you but avoid…

  • Idealism
  • Ignoble
  • Imbeciles 
  • Imbroglio
  • Imperil
  • Imperious
  • Impertinent
  • Impudent
  • Inane
  • Incoherent
  • Incongruous
  • Inept
  • Inimical
  • Invidious
  • Irksome
  • And Irate people

That said, who am I to tell you what to do? It was just a thought  

J is for Jokes 

A.K.A Laughter 

Please don’t take anything I write too seriously. It’s just a light hearted blog that hopefully makes you laugh from time to time. And we all know that laughter is the best medicine 

K is for the Kettlebell 

The kettlebell is the secret soviet super weapon. The kettlebell is an amazingly versatile tool. It can make you stronger, more powerful, get you shredded and keep you healthy into old age. 

It is no secret that I love kettlebells and though I recognise that the right tool for the right job is essential, it is more often than not that the kettlebell is the right tool. 

L is for LOVE 

‘’What do you think success is? ‘’ asked the boy 

‘’To Love’’ said the Mole 

If you know you know. If you don’t then give yourself an hour this evening to listen to the book… 

The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse https://youtu.be/paaTTFlvx8M 

M is for MOVE often in ways you enjoy 

There is often to great emphasis on structured exercise. And we humans can get a little stuck in our own heads trying to analyse the shit out of given exercises. 

Kids learn through play. Us adults could often take a leaf out of the kiddies book and start to incorporate play back into our life. Playing and exploring movement is what makes our movements better. 

For some it could be playing a sport, for others it could be playing on the monkey bars with your kids. 

Whatever your jam – just move 

That is it for today, join us for next week’s follow on.

Paul “now I know my ABC’s” and Krystie “next week come and sing with me” Miller