Happy Monday


How was your week(end)?


Are you still on track with those New Year’s Resolutions?


For those that missed it…last week’s post on “How to actually achieve your New Year’s Resolutions’’https://www.personal-trainers.co.nz/part-8-trip-2/


So I put on a good few kilos over the holidays. Yes the constant stream of alcohol, family cooking and lack of training definitely took it’s toll.

No excuses, I just fell off the wagon. Well it’s time to refocus and get back on


In today’s newsletter I thought I would share with you what I will be doing.





1 – I will eat when I am hungry.


On one hand no starving myself and on the other no eating because I am bored. Personally I have found 4 meals to be about right.


2 – I will eat protein with every meal.


Protein is one of the most important components of any nutrition plan. It is the building blocks to lean muscle and satiating effect. I find that 2-3g per kilo of bodyweight works for me.




3 – I will eat vegetables with every meal


If you’re wanting fat loss then make vegetables the foundation of your nutrition plan. Half your plate wants to be covered in greens and fibrous vegetables.


Did you know – Half a kilo of asparagus has the same amount of carbs as a single whole wheat pita


4 – I will eat fat with every meal.


Fat doesn’t make you fat. In fact, you need good quality fats if you want to burn fat as this macronutrient plays vital roles in energy expenditure, sex hormones and vitamin storage


The key is to get the right kind of fats. The fat found in red meat (grass-fed), avocados, and nuts are healthy fats. Avoid hydrogenated and trans-fats that are found in fake foods like cakes and cookies.



5 – I will drink 2-3 litres of water a day.


A good baseline equation that I first learnt from Paul Chek was your body weight in kg x 0.033 = litres of water to be consumed throughout the day. Thus an 80kg male would require around 2.5 litres per day.

6 – I will eat mostly real food.


This is key. If your goal is fat loss, then following this rule will mean you follow all the rules by default. If it grew out of the ground or once had a face then eat it. When looking at something ask yourself would this have existed 10,000 years ago. If not, then it’s probably a good idea to stay away






1 – I will train at least 3 days per week.


3-4 days per week has been shown to be the sweet spot. Too much training will lead to burnout, injuries and motivation dwindles. Too little training and there simply isn’t enough stimulus for change


2 – I will mostly do resistance training


Build more muscle – burn more fat. Simple


3  – I will mostly do compound movements


Compound movements are those that involve more than one muscle group. Squats for example use the quads, hamstrings, glutes and core musculature. Simply the more muscle used the more energy it takes and the more calories burned.


I may do some guns on a friday though 🙂



4 – I will keep my rest time to a minimum


By keeping my rest time down I will keep my heart rate up. Again the higher the heart rate the more energy used, the more calories burned.






1 – I will aim to sleep for 8 hours


To be honest this all depends on how my daughter Milly sleeps. I will go to bed at 9pm latest except weekends where I will push the boat out and go to bed at 10 🙂 I know wild hey



2 – I will minimise the booze.


Note – I didn’t say completely eliminate it. Yes I will have the odd red wine. I have found that for me being too restrictive is a fast track to falling back off the wagon



3 – I will take my supplements


My current supps are Magnesium, Fish oil, Licorice root, Vitamin C and Protein powder


So there you have it. Eat well, sleep well and train hard.


Consistent action over time leads to great results.


Now you may be thinking that’s a lot ‘’I will’s’’ didn’t you say that I should keep it simple?


Yes, it is very important that you keep it simple. Here’s the thing this list of 13 I will’s is what I generally do anyway. For me it’s already somewhat habitual. For you, you may want to just do a couple of these things until they are habits. Then choose a couple more and instal them. Keep going until you have your health and fitness down to a habit.  


That’s it for today


Paul ‘’ Wagon wheel ‘’ and Krystie ‘’is there room for two” Miller