We live in a world of unending artificial light. And our endocrine system registers this unending artificial light as endless summer on the internal sundial. Night never falls and winter never arrives.


 As mammals we are hardwired to store fat when exposed to long summer days and then as winter arrives our bodies go into standby mode and hibernate. During the winter months there is less food available and much of our time is spent fasting. 


This however is no longer the case. Our bodies and brains think it’s endless December (southern hemisphere) and our hormones crave more carbohydrates. And then there’s the abundance of food that’s always available. Modern day foraging is picking up the phone to order Uber eats. 


If you are finding yourself getting fatter and fatter then maybe instead of trying to willpower your way back to those skinny jeans simply make your environment work better for you.


What to do…


1 – Go to bed before 10pm (the hours we get before 12 are the most restorative) 


2 –  If you are going to watch Netflix and expose yourself to blue light in the evening then get some bluelight blocking glasses.


3 – Keep your bedroom as dark as possible. It wants to be as close to a cave as you can make it


4 – No technology in the bedroom. No TV and no phones. The bedroom is for sleep and sexy-time.. That’s it, nothing else