Our bodies are our gardens. If you keep at it on a regular basis, weed, water, nourish then you will bloom. Leave it for a month, and you will find things have overgrown, looking tired and sad.

Take time each day to nourish yourself / your garden in some way. This could mean moving in a way your body is asking for. What I mean by that is if you are feeling tired, feeling injured then working inwards – gentle yoga, meditation, stretching, pilates, massage or walking.  If you have plenty of energy – work outwards, with resistance training, heading for a run / bike etc.

Take time to make yourself and your family nourishing meals. Everything you put in your mouth adds to either health or dis-ease. Keep the treats to once in a while rather than regularly, buy local, organic or spray free and enjoy preparing meals. Get a few recipes up your sleeve that you all enjoy and tick the boxes for nourishment to make your life easier.

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Our bodies are made up of a LOT of water. We need to drink little and often throughout the day. Add a pinch of good quality sea salt to your water to increase minerals and water absorption. Feeling tired, hungry, grumpy, have a headache.. get some water in you and see if this changes.

Sleep baby sleep. By tuning in with the seasonal rhythms and heading to bed when it starts to get dark, rather than putting on the bright artificial light and staying up late, then waking naturally with the sun, will do you wonders. Aim to be in bed at the latest 10pm for your hormones and body to replenish.

By treating your body like the beautiful garden it is, you can watch and enjoy yourself bloom. Take the time because you are worth it.

Krystie “blooming well” and Paul “pulling weeds” Miller