Oat milk is incredibly trendy with people looking to include more plant based options in their diets. But the question is, is it good for you?

As with all answers… it depends and compared to what 

My first point would be that there are many oat milks on the market and all with different ingredients. But for the most part, the oak milks I have seen typically have maltose. Although maltose is naturally occurring it still packs a glycemic punch. As you can see from the picture above it’s up there with white flour, coke and higher than a doughnut.

Point 2 is the seed oils. Seed oils like soybean, corn, canola are all often added to oat milk. These seed/vegetable oils are highly processed and high in pro-inflammatory omega 6. Vegetable oils have been linked to heart attacks, weight gain, cancer, alzehimers and depression. 






There is about the same amount of vegetable oils in an oat milk flat white as medium fries at Macca’s 

That’s somewhat concerning to me as Oat milk is pushed by the mainstream media as the milk of choice. I would be lying if I told you that I never drank oat milk, I do.. But I keep it to a minimum. 

My 2 cents – make your own, free from the chemical shit storm that most oat milks contain.