Happy Monday, 

Hope you had a great weekend. We kicked the weekend off with having friends over on Friday evening for dinner​. Saturday we headed out to Ocean Beach for a walk with the family and Sunday, we spent time at the Farmers Market. A good weekend all in all 🙂 

I love a good list and it’s been a little while. So for today’s newsletter it’s list time 

We all know stress is shit here are 25 ways to make you stress less 

Off we go…

  1. Be proactive not reactive (don’t start first thing by checking emails and going into reactive mode) 
  2. Spend more time outside in the sunshine 

3. Turn your phone off at night time 

4. Accept full 100% responsibility of everything you are and do in your life (don’t blame anyone else) 

5. Turn the news off. There is no place for CNN – Constant Negative News 

6. Practise breath work… everyday!!!

7. Never use social media to argue (it’s a waste of your time. You have better things to do) 

8. Say ‘NO’ more often. 

9. Be HAPPY for everyone else’s success. Jealousy will eat you up 

10. Get over your need to be right. If you’re right you’re making someone else wrong 

11. Laughter has to be a non negotiable in your life 

12. Sing more 

13. DANCE more 

14. TRAIN because it will make you far more resilient 

15. Come and do one of Paul’s 30 minute one on one boxing sessions. Punching the crap out of some boxing pads feels pretty damn good (some clients schedule these in every few weeks just so they can release all that built up day to day emotion).

16. Take magnesium before bed (good sleep is a stress killer) 

17. Journal, write (get all those crazy thoughts out of your head) 

18. Do something CREATIVE. Play the guitar, do some photography, build LEGO

19. Take ASHWAGANDHA. Ashwagandha is Sanskrit for smell of the horse and yes that’s what it tastes like… so it must be good for you 

20. Lay on the earth (because Krystie said so)

21. Moon bathe (no, you don’t need your sunnies or sunscreen for this one) 

22. Ask yourself the question ‘is this in my control? If it is.. Take action and do something about it. If it’s not, then move on

23. Watch a funny movie or some comedy

24. Declutter. Get rid of crap and cleaning always makes you feel better (I’m not sure why, but it just does) 

25. When in doubt, be more like Patrick Swayze.. He was a cool, calm & collected dude 

What would you add to this list?

Paul “off moon bathing” and Krystie “dancing” Miller