Paint Results FitnessCamp

Today we thought we would bring you  an A-Z of Results Fitness Camp. This is an insight into what we are about, what we believe in and how we can help you

I hope you enjoy it.

 A. Action takers.

In order to achieve any fat loss goal you must be an action taker. Once you finish reading this article you have two choices. You can either leave this web page and do absolutely nothing, continue living the way you are, hoping that tomorrow you’ll have more time and be in a better position to start exercising. Or, you can register right now and start living a life that’s more vibrant and full of energy, tone your body and lose those extra kilos of fat for good.

 B. Butter.

Don’t be scared of butter, its full of vitamins A, D, E, and K. It is high in anti-oxidants that protect you from free radical damage and contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which has been to shown to assist with fat burning.

 C. Core work.

A strong core is the pillar of all good fitness programs. At our Fitness Camps we utilise both functional exercises that require core stabilisation and specific core exercises that require both static and dynamic stability. A strong core will not only flatten your abs but it will keep your lower back healthy, significantly reducing the risk of back injuries

 D. Don’t eat processed foods.

Not only are they full of additives and preservatives that will toxify your system, they will leave you fat, tired and sick.

 E. EPOC. Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption.

When you train hard at a high intensity not only will you be able to burn lots of calories during your workout but you increase the amount you burn after you finish training as a results of a heightened metabolism (EPOC). The higher your intensity the longer you will go on burning calories. Studies have shown an increased amount of calories burned up to 48 hours after a training session.

 F. Fats.

Healthy fats are an essential portion of your diet. Fats don’t make you fat, sugar does. Healthy fats such as butter, coconut oil, avocadoes, olive oil, nuts and seeds will provide your body with much needed nutrients and keep you fuller for longer.

 G. Guarantees.

We guarantee you will lose at least a clothing size in 28 days with Results Fitness Camp or we will give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked.

 H. Hydration.

Drink more water. Water will not only keep you hydrated but it will also aid in detoxification. Aim to drink at least 2 litres a day.

 I. Intervals.

Studies have shown that short bursts of high intensity exercise will burn significantly more calories compared to steady state cardiovascular training. At our Fitness camps we don’t just throw workouts together, we create programs based on the latest scientific studies.

 J. Juicing.

A great way to get a hit of vitamins and minerals is juicing. Go easy on the fruit though as it can spike your blood sugar level.

 K. Kettlebell swings.


If you’re tired of having a saggy butt then this is the exercise for you. The kettlebell swing is the ultimate exercise for toning your gluteal (butt) muscles, making everything that much perkier.

 L. Lifestyle.

We believe in making lifestyle changes, encouraging the formation of good habits that will lead to sustainable fat loss

 M. Metabolic boosting exercises.

All the exercises we employ during our fitnesscamp are designed with the intension of getting the biggest bang for your buck. We utilise full body dynamic exercises that create a huge metabolic disturbance which not only burns a massive amount of calories during the workout but it also continues to burn calories long after the workout has finished.

 N. Nutrition.

When it comes to Fat Loss, getting the right nutrition is critical. That is why at our Fitness Camps we provide you with our all natural, no calorie counting, nourishing nutrition plan.

 O. Omega 3s.

These essential fatty acids are not made by the body and therefore we must get them through food and supplementation. Oily fish have tons of omega 3s which have been shown to have a whole host of health benefits ranging from  the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease through to assisting with fat loss

 P. Plan.

Failing to plan is planning to fail. At Fitness Camp we encourage you to take time to really think about what you want to achieve. We sit down with you and map out with you your specific goals and the processes you will need to take in order to achieve those goals.

 Q. Questions.

At Fitness Camp we have a saying that no question is a stupid question. Any questions you might have regarding training or nutrition we are happy to answer. We are here to support you through your journey.

 R. Results.

Our goal is to get you the results you want and deserve.

 S. Sleep.

One of the most important yet most neglected factors of fat loss is sleep. Sleep is your hormonal reset button. When you don’t get enough sleep your body responds by increasing ghrelin your hunger hormone and decrease leptin, a hormone that is responsible for appetite suppression and making you feel full at the end of a meal.

 T. The Timer.

We often use timed sets in our training sessions; this is so you can work at your own level and we can tailor the workout to you. Everyone that comes to our camps is individual so we only encourage you to compete against yourself and not everyone else.

 U. United.

At Fitness Camp we are more than a group of people training, we see ourselves as a family. We untie and support each other to push harder and go further than ever before

 V. Vegetables.

They are the perfect fat loss food, they are full of fibre, vitamins and minerals and low in calories which will help you stay full, keep your immune system high and you can eat lots of them.

 W. Weight.

Don’t get too hung up on scale weight. If you lose 2kg of fat but gain 2 kg of muscle then you will weigh the same. Do your clothes fit better, do you feel and look better? These are far more important than the numbers on the scale

 X. X-treme approaches.

Don’t believe that you can lose weight quickly without working for it. There is no magic bullet or some kind of special pill that you can take to lose the weight. Any kind of fad diet or training will ultimately leave you fatter and heavier than when you started.

 Y. You.

It’s all about you. At Fitness Camp you are number one. Not only do we want you to get the results you deserve, we want you to enjoy the experience, meet new and like-minded people that will support you in your journey  and we want you to have fun.

 Z. Zero-excuses.

We don’t want you at Fitness camp if you’re going to be full of excuses. Getting to your goal is about being accountable for yourself, ultimately you have the choice, you can show up and get incredible results or you can stay in bed for another hour and weigh just as much if not more than you did last year.

For more information check us out at Results Fitness Bootcamp Hawkes Bay and see how we can help you