Happy Wednesday. Hope you are all having a great week so far. 

A New Year always brings new resolutions, however after the initial excitement of the goal, sometimes motivation is not enough to keep the momentum going.  

“Paul, I know what I need to do, I just need some motivation”… said Will. 

“No you don’t” I replied 

And so the conversation went.

The thing is motivation gets you started but it doesn’t keep you going. 

The amount of times I have heard grand ideas of people telling me ‘this time I am going to lose 10kg’, ‘this time I am going to run the marathon’. ‘This time ______ (fill in the blank) 

These statements are often made at the beginning of the year or when the sun is shining and everything is rosey. But what about when it’s August, dark outside and pissing down with rain. Are you still up at 5am running in the rain, grinding in the gym or are you hitting the snooze button cozy in your warm bed? 

Motivation is fleeting, its finite. 

When life is good, motivation is high but when its cold, dark and your boss is being a pain in the butt then its more than likely that motivation is running on an empty tank. 

You don’t need motivation, you need a plan, a goal, a big WHY and some accountability. 

– A plan that works 

– A goal that means something to you 

– A WHY that peels back the layers and runs deeper than wanting to lose 7kg 

It’s not the number of the scale but what it means to you 

– More energy to play with your kids 

– To fit into your clothes again and feel confident about yourself 

– Better sleep 

– Because you know your worth it 

And the list goes on 

I can tell you that even professional athletes have days where they feel flat and unmotivated. It doesn’t stop them because they have a plan, a goal and a why. 

Focus on your goals and attach a strong enough why behind them. 

So what is your goal, and what is your why? Tell a friend / family member and keep yourself accountable. 

Paul “but why?” and Krystie “the plan” Miller