
Your self-image can be very different from how the world see’s you and it’s such a shame that we don’t see ourselves as we really are.

We are prone to negative self-image and exaggerate flaws and weaknesses.

Often the thoughts in our heads tell us that we are less attractive and less amazing than we are in reality. Unfortunately having this negative self-image, often if not always, leads to low self-esteem, eating disorders and suicidal thoughts. It is tragic to think that New Zealand has the highest rate of youth suicide which is without a doubt linked to self-image and worthiness.

Facts about body image

  • Woman experience an average of 13 negative thoughts about their body each day, while 97% of woman admit to having at least one ‘’I hate my body’’ moments
  • In a survey of girls approximately aged between 14 and 18 – 59% were trying to lose weight and over 18% had starved themselves at some point. 11% used diet pills and 8.4% had used vomiting to lose weight
  • 24 million people suffer from eating disorders
  • 50% of commercials directed towards woman mention physical attractiveness

It’s time for a change don’t you think?

Take a look at this video of an artist drawing his subjects simply by their descriptions

As you can see we have a distorted image of ourselves, we pick out all of our so called worst features. We build stories about ourselves that tear us down instead of building ourselves up.

We end up living a life consigned to not feeling good enough or deserving enough.

The only way to fight insecurities is to start telling yourself the truth about how amazing and uniquely beautiful you truly are.

Know that you are not attached to the number on the scale – it doesn’t define your self-worth.

Make your inner monologue positive – Even if you’re not aware of it, there is a voice in your head that you are always listening too. Note that your thoughts become your feelings….Think positively.

Love who you see in the mirror – Love yourself, you’re worth it.