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Paul Miller Hawkes Bay Personal Trainer shares – Why you really should start lifting weight

So you have decided it’s time to lose those extra few kilos that you have put on over the winter months. You head to the gym and make a beeline straight for the cross-trainer or the treadmill. You will spend around 40-60 minutes slogging away on the cardio machine before hitting the floor for 100 crunches, showering and heading home. Weeks later you’re still doing exactly the same workout wondering why you’re not achieving your goals.

What are you doing wrong?

You need to be lifting weights. Yes I know it can be scary and intimidating especially when you see all those muscle heads in the weight room making grunting sounds and pulling silly faces but if you want to lose that weight and make a body transformation then you really need to be lifting weights. Here is why…

It will boost your metabolism

Training with weights will help you build lean muscle tissue. Muscles are highly metabolically active meaning the more muscles you have the more calories you will burn through your metabolism.

It will give you a lean toned look

Cardio can help you lose weight but it is lifting weights that help you lose body fat. By lifting weights you can sculpt and tone muscles transforming the way you look as oppose to just weighing less.

It can boost your EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)

EPOC also known as the AFTERBURN effect is what really helps burn calories. EPOC represents the oxygen consumption the body uses to return to its pre-exercise state. It is this oxygen consumption that helps burn calories for up to 48 hours after a workout

It will make you stronger

Being strong is a great feeling; it’s a feeling that empowers you, gets you ready to face whatever challenges come your way.

I remember the first time I managed a chin up, what an incredible feeling.  I couldn’t believe my arms were doing it, lifting me!

So what are you waiting for? The next time you head to the gym get an instructor to show you the ropes or even better hire a Hawkes Bay Personal Trainer to ensure you get the results you’re after. You will be amazed at what you can achieve