
Do you want to get healthy or do you want to lose weight?

Most people focus on wanting to lose weight because it sounds far more exciting than getting healthy.

But if you truly want to lose weight then the number one thing you can do is focus on getting healthy.

The problem is when we focus on scale weight we often get tied up into counting calories, low fat diets and food restriction.

These methods are put forward by a billion dollar weight loss industry that doesn’t care about helping you. All they care about is the money to be made from you.

These so called weight loss methods flat out don’t work.

low fat

As you can see, around the 1980s the government pushed a low fat diet and what happened….we all got fatter

How to lose weight

If you want to lose weight you need to switch your thinking, instead of counting calories or eating low fat crap.

We need to focus on

  • Nutrient dense foods
  • Food for fuel
  • Food and hydration for optimal hormonal balance

Essentially we need to stop thinking from the negative aspect of food and start to focus on the positive aspects of food and health

By focusing on your health you will nourish your body. You will heal your metabolism and you will rebalance your hormones.

Eat for health, heal your body and you will naturally lose weight without even trying.

Say no to starvation diets and yes to nourishing your body

By focusing on your health not only will you lose weight but you will

  • Have more energy
  • Move better
  • Look better
  • Feel better
  • And perform better

Don’t lose weight to get healthy – Get healthy to lose weight

To find out more about a healthy nutritional plan, contact a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist for further information