Happy Monday

How are you?

The other day I was asked by a Havelock North Personal training client to write about motivation

So here goes

You might think as a Personal Trainer and Health Coach I would be into all things motivation…BUT i’m not. In fact quite the opposite.


This pillar that we have all been leaning on for so long, the one that personal trainers, managers, teachers, parents and anyone who engages their time trying to get someone else to do something for them is a flop.

Motivation doesn’t work. Well not as a long term solution anyway.

Motivation is based around “carrot and stick”

It’s either ”do this and I will give you that” or ”do that or I won’t give you this”

Nearly all motivational techniques are based around reward for desired behaviour or withholding reward if a desired behaviour isn’t demonstrated… In my book that’s not particularly motivating. In fact I see it as a form of manipulation. Essentially a way to get someone else to do what THEY want you to do. Work harder, pass that exam, lose that weight etc. It is someone else’s definition of success and they are saying when you get this milestone you be rewarded or you will stop being punished.

The problem here is that everyone is going through life hooked up to the values systems, reward systems, and energy system of others and not their own.

People chase certain things because they’re told by others that this is what we’re supposed to do.

A certain income

A certain kind of home

A certain car

A certain type of job

And certain clothes

It’s all about fitting in, meeting the norm and you become average.

The word motivation actually means to stimulate and move towards an action (not a bad thing). We just need to know the action we are taking is for us and not because we were told we should.

What I have found is that before I get moving towards an action I need to STOP and look at life not through the lens of ”what can I do to get moving and how can I keep going” BUT through the lens that asks ”what is present or not that causes me to stop”

Let me be clear I am not saying that having goals or targets are bad just make sure they’re yours.

If motivation doesn’t work then how do I get what I want?

Mastery, purpose and integrity


There is nothing that will give you more growth in life than mastery and self mastery. Getting better at something provides you with a great source of renewable energy. The better you get at something the more compelled you are towards it and ultimately the better the result.



People who find purpose in what they do will unlock the highest level of potential. Connecting to a cause larger than yourself is what creates a massive driving force.

Purpose is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Our mission at Results Personal Training is to educate and inspire those who walk through our doors, to perform, feel and function at their best, so they in turn may educate and inspire others.

It’s this ripple effect that has the ability to move, touch and inspire so many people to look at their health as the most wonderful gift.


Consistently doing what you said you were going to do is the foundation of integrity. Too many people don’t follow through with what they said they would.

Often goals are set when motivation is high but like I said motivation doesn’t last then what? It’s cold, dark, raining outside I might just stay in bed this morning and go for a run tomorrow 🙁


To conclude

Stop. Take some time to explore your feelings. Is this something you want or is is it something you think you should do?

Throw out your extrinsic motivators and dive into some intrinsic values. Spend time mastering your thing, understand your purpose and make it greater than yourself and have the integrity to follow it through.

That’s it