paul miller kettlebell
Editors note – This interview was conducted last year by Will Allan Personal Training

Celebrity Personal Trainer Paul Miller left the hustle and bustle of the UK last year for a more tranquil life the other side of the ditch in New Zealand. We catch up with him to see what he is up to.

Will Allan – How is life in New Zealand?

It’s really great, I live in a place called Hawkes Bay on the east coast of the north island. The hot summers and cool winters are very different from the cold of the UK. As a bonus the climate is also very conducive to growing some of the finest grapes you’ll find 😉 . Living in Hawkes Bay is definitely laid back compared to london. That’s not to say people are lazy, far from it in fact. I just think people have their priorities in order here. Family, friends and life always come first and work second.

Will Allan – Very nice, Now to get into some of the nitty gritty stuff, can you tell the readers how you start your day and what would you typically have for breakfast?

The first thing I do when I wake is feed Oakey my Huntaway his breakfast. I will then make my own breakfast which may be an omelet with some feta cheese and spinach. Steak is also a morning favourite of mine with a side of green leafy veggies or if I am in in a rush some Oomph muesli, which is an all natural, paleo muesli that my partner and a friend make.

I also take my morning supplements with my breakfast which consist of a BePure multivitamin and Blue Ice cod liver oil for my health. BePure adrenal regenerator and Licorice root to give my adrenal glands a helping hand and I also take a high dose of Iodine as there is a real problem with New Zealanders and deficiencies in Iodine meaning there are lots of people struggling with poorly functioning thyroids.

I then jump in the shower, fix myself a bulletproof coffee and head to work.

WA – We’re getting close to summer here in the UK, any advice for people looking to get abs for the beach?

Nutrition really is key to getting lean and having visible abdominals. Having a flat, toned stomach is a matter of reducing excess fat and no amount of sit ups or crunches will give you a six pack. Training your abs certainly can increase the strength of them but will not strip away the fat covering them. The fastest way to lean abs is the right combination of correct nutrition for your body, total body metabolic training, high intensity interval training and plenty of rest and rejuvenation

WA – What are the best foods for fat loss?

The best results I have seen are from people that eat high quality meat, poultry and fish such as grass fed steak, organic pasture fed chicken and fresh wild salmon. Along with fibrous, nutrient dense vegetables such as kale, spinach and broccoli and finally the right balance of good fats from coconut oil, butter, ghee and avocados.

WA – What’s the best diet?

When it comes to nutrition there are many opposing opinions and I think it’s this that gives people what I call paralysis by analysis. Many people get overwhelmed by all the conflicting information that they end up doing nothing. The other problem is that people are forever sweating the small stuff. Don’t ask me what supplements I should be taking if you’re still eating Mcdonalds twice a week.

So what’s the best diet plan – well it’s different for everyone. Some people will do better with a paleo type diet while others will be more carbohydrate types. The key is to look at what the common tenants of all these principles are, and when they work for you, follow.

I have personally seen people have success with paleo, zone, atkins and vegetarian based diets. Ask yourself the question; what is it that all these diets have in common?

1 – People doing the diet are conscious about what they’re eating
2 – They all include lots of fibrous vegetables
3 – They all include protein whether it be from eggs, meat or fish
4 – They all emphasise low glycemic carbohydrates
5 – They all focus on nutrient density

WA – What’s the one exercise we should all be doing?

I would have to say the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing is a dynamic movement that is not only great for burning fat fast but also works the muscles on your posterior chain meaning it will improve running and jumping performance for the guys and will give woman a nice pert, lifted butt 😉


WA – If time was your limiting factor but you still wanted to get in great shape, what would you do?

I would do a circuit-style total body metabolic workout using a peripheral heart action system or PHA for short.

In simple terms this means I would pick around 5 or 6 functional compound (uses more than one muscle) exercises that would be completed by alternating lower body and upper body exercises with minimal rest

Here is one I have been using recently

A1 – Sandbag front squat 12 reps
A2 – Chin ups 12 reps
A3 – TRX jumping lunges 24 reps
A4 – Kettlebell double press 12 reps
A5 – Mountain climbers 24 reps

Rest just enough time to move from one exercise to another. Once you have completed all 5 exercises rest for 60-90 seconds before repeating for a further 2-3 more times

WA – What’s your favourite guilty pleasure food?

I am definitely partial to dark chocolate and red wine.

WA – What fitness or diet book did you last read?

I have just finished reading Primal Body Primal Mind by Nora T. Gedgaudas. It was a really great book that examines the healthy lives of our pre-agricultural paleolithic ancestors. Nora takes relatively complex subjects such as gluten sensitivity to the great cholesterol myth and breaks it down for everyone to understand in a easy yet comprehensive manner.

A book that I highly recommend anyone who takes an interest in their health should read

WA – Thanks Paul, where can our readers find out more about you?

You can find more information about myself and Results Personal Training at our website