I was recently told by a 20 something lifestyle entrepreneur guru (with no kids) that I need a better morning routine. 

He laid out steps to

1. Wake up at 5am 

2. Spend 30 minutes in deep meditation 

3. The next 10 minutes was for gratitude journaling 

4. Then a big detox greens drink 

5. Followed by goals and intention setting for the day 

Here is the thing… 

– At 5 am the kids are already fighting over the LEGO with screams and tears 

– The dog is barking 

– My brain is requiring at least a pint of coffee and in the next 10 minutes I am going to have two hungry kids demanding food, a dog that hears the word “walkies” muttered by one of the kids who thinks it’s funny and I have forgotten to put the rubbish out. 

Mr lifestyle guru, thank you for the advice but you really have no idea 🙂 

Seriously though, I do think a good morning routine is invaluable. 

But just like training we need to…

1. Start wherever we are.

2. Do what we can, when we can.

3. And keep moving forward, one little step at a time

​What is one thing you are going to or already do, in your morning routine to help you start your day the best way. 

​Paul “pint of coffee” and Krystie “30 second meditation” Miller