Happy Monday All, hope you had a great weekend! Our weekend was full of good food, walks on the beach, and laying low.

Today I thought I would talk about movement. Not the most exciting topic however VERY important to good health.

You need to move well in your workouts. Poor movement will elicit poor results.

Want to get lean? – move well and eat well

Want to put on slabs of muscle? – move well and eat big

Want to become bulletproof in your senior years? – move well, move often

Want to run marathons? – move well, move well for long periods

Moving well is the foundation of the pyramid. If you’re not moving well then getting the results you’re looking for may never appear and if they do – it will probably be at the cost of injuries, niggles, aches and pains

But what does good movement look like?

Let me put it this way…

  • If you can’t squat like a baby
  • If you can’t brace your mid section while performing a push up
  • If you can’t hinge from your hips while maintaining an organised spine
  • If you can’t lunge without your back knee touching the ground and your front knee not valgusing
  • If you can’t press a weight directly overhead without arching your lumbar spine
  • If you can’t row without shrugging your shoulders up

You don’t own good movement

And this list is just the tip of the iceberg. There are SO many potential red flags.

The Functional Movement Screen is a screen for assessing baseline movement. Simply – are you moving well enough?!

Moving perfectly is great but honestly I just care that you are moving well enough

Why am I so passionate about movement?

Way too many of us take movement for granted. It’s only when we lose movement that we realise how important it is. 

Through injury, “old” age, or pure laziness, the old saying – ‘if you don’t use it you lose it’ comes in to play.

Moving well = less wear and tear on joints

Moving well = has a direct impact on our epigenetics

Moving well = old age factors such as brittle bones are far less likely to occur

Moving well = and obesity isn’t going to be a factor

Moving well = more strength in the bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles

Moving well = has a direct effect on our immune system which will fend of certain infections

So, why wouldn’t you want to move well?

The Functional Movement scoring system

The FMS has a scoring system that is as follows

0 – you have pain – this is a problem and I will send you to physio/osteo/chiro

1 – Your movement is dysfunctional – Again this is a problem and a starting point

2 – good enough

3 – perfect

This is a totally objective scoring system and the goal is not to get 3’s across the board. As I said earlier – you just need to move well enough. If you score 0’s and 1’s then ‘good’ we have a starting point. You will be given a program that has a specific algorithm and exercises that are there to make your 1’s into 2s

Once you are moving well enough we climb the pyramid and it’s time to get stronger, faster or whatever it is that you want. BUT you have to be moving well enough before these are considered


Come and get a movement screen 🙂

Paul Miller Level 2 Functional Movement Screen Hawkes Bay 

Paul “movement” and Krystie “screening” Miller