get off

If you’re sick and tired of seeing advertisements promising that you can lose 4 kg’s if you buy Garcinia Cambogia or Liproxenol, combined with a starve yourself diet and colon cleanse, then this article is for you.


This is how you can lose 4 kg’s without so called miracle supplements, starvation diets or any other weight loss fad! Follow these simple instructions and you will drop the excess weight easily.


For the next 28 days eliminate these foods –


* Anything that contains wheat/gluten such as bread, pasta, biscuits, bagels etc


* All processed dairy including milk, cheese and yoghurt


* All sugar including artificial and natural sugars such as aspartame, saccharin through to honey, stevia etc


* All processed foods specifically anything with additives, preservatives or any kind of e numbers


* All stimulants including tea, coffee or anything with caffeine


* Any heavy starches such as potatoes, rice and other grains


At this stage you may be wondering what is left to eat?


Well, here is what we want you to eat –


*Lots of vegetables. For faster results we would suggest going organic. Conventional vegetables are heavily sprayed with herbicides, fungicides and pesticides which all put a toxic burden on your liver ultimately slowing the weight loss process


* Eat meat, fish and poultry from wild and pasture fed sources


* Nuts and seeds. Remember these foods are calorie dense so beaware not to over eat them


Aside from food you will need to drink plenty of water, get to bed before 10pm at least 6 nights per week and supplement with a high quality multi-vitamin. Here’s the one we recommend BePure One


Additionally you may want to include a moderate amount of exercise as this will speed the weight loss process up. Saying that, it’s not essential. This nutrition protocol is essentially what we have used at Results Personal Training to help over 2000 individuals lose weight and get great results. On top of this, clients that follow this protocol always come back telling us they have significantly more energy and feel like they finally have a real zest for life.


So if you’re tired of counting calories, counting points, weighing and measuring food then this may just be for you.


Give it a try for 28 days a see how great you feel


Stay Healthy


Paul and Krystie