When it comes to losing the fat, the single most important and effective method is to make long lasting lifestyle changes. Eating real, nutrient dense foods and booting out the processed package rubbish dripping with unpronounceable ingredients. Change how you look and feel with the Do’s and Don’ts of Fat Loss nutrition

Must do 1


Eat a Protein and Good-Fat based breakfast. Don’t eat a carb heavy breakfast such as cereal or toast and don’t drink a fruit juice

^^^ This is huge and can truly lead to incredible fat loss results ^^^

Protein and fats will keep you fuller for longer and stabilise your blood sugar levels. On the other hand a carb heavy breakfast will spike your blood sugar leaving you tired and hungry.

Must do 2


Resistance training should make up the majority of your training efforts. Don’t spend hours and hours doing cardio

Resistance training increases lean muscle tissue and it’s your muscle tissue that is incredibly metabolically active. This means resistance/weight training will not only tone and shape your muscles but it will also boost your metabolism allowing for more fat burning. Steady state cardio on the other hand does nothing to improve your metabolism and it makes you more efficient. Though that may sound good, when it comes to fat burning being more efficient is the enemy. Think about it this way, Jon is pretty unfit but decides it’s time to lose some of that excess body-fat he is carrying. So Jon like many others decides that he is going to run 5k. Now the first time he runs 5k Jon burns 430 calories, his heart rate is through the roof and he is covered in sweat. The fitter Jon gets, the more efficient he becomes and 5k begins to get easier and easier. After one month Jon has run so many 5k’s that he barely breaks a sweat, his heart rate rises but only a little and he only burns 200 calories. In order for Jon to continually keep burning calories he will have to run further and further (spending more and more precious time training only to get the same result)

If you want to get better at running 5k then – run more 5ks BUT if you want to burn fat, then stick to more resistance training

Must do 3


Eat between 4-6 meals a day (especially if you’re training) Don’t skip meals or starve yourself

Eating between 4-6 meals a day will keep your metabolism elevated and provide you with a constant source of energy. Your metabolism is like a fire. When you wake up in the morning you need to get some wood on the fire and get it going (breakfast) then every 3-4 hours you need to add some blocks of wood (small meals) to the fire to keep it cranking and keep the house warm and cosy all-day. However if you miss meals your body will think it’s being starved so it will hold on to fat stores as a survival mechanism. Very smart but not good when it comes to fat loss

Must do 4


Eat good fats. Don’t fall victim to the thinking that fat makes you fat and avoid it

Good fats such as avocados, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds are incredibly healthy. Good-fats are packed with much needed vitamins allowing optimal functioning of your body. Good fats make good cholesterol which is a precursor to the functioning of your steroidal hormone pathways.

No good fats = No good cholesterol = Hormone dysregulation = Tired, fat and grumpy!!

To make things worse if you are avoiding ‘fats’ then you are most probably eating fat free products that are instead full of sugar which is the real problem with the obesity epidemic

Must do 5


Take your supplements. Don’t think you can get it all from food.

Honestly the majority of supplements on the market are utter crap, they are often formulated by companies looking to make a quick buck. These companies target the naive with over the top ad campaigns promoting the next quick fix. There are however a few supplements that are very beneficial. Magnesium, cod liver oil and a multivitamin are supplements that will support your health and vitality. I would love to say that you can get all the vitamins and minerals you need from your diet but the reality is that poor soil quality and polluted waters have made it almost impossible.

Here is what I take on a regular base: My Supplements


Side note – Supplements can be pretty expensive but can you really put a price on health. You can either pay now or pay later? It’s up to you.

So there you have it, there are my top 5 must-dos when trying to lose bodyfat. Fat loss can be an incredibly confusing subject but it really doesn’t have to be that way. Keep it simple put the basics into place and you will be more advanced than 90% of the population.

Stay Healthy

Paul and Krystie

PS – If you have made it this far and live in Hawkes Bay. Then I am offering you the chance to win a free nutritional consultation (valued at $65). The consultation will take place at our Studio in Havelock North. To put your name in the draw, please email us at fitnesscamp@hotmail.com with the word Nutrition in the subject title 🙂

PPS – Our Hawkes Bay Bootcamp is set to start a new round on the 3rd of August. If you want an easy way to put these ”Must do’s” into place so you can tone up, lose the fat and get into shape then call us on 02102222720 for more details (spaces are limited so take action now).