Happy Wednesday! 

Hope you are managing to stay warm and dry with our pre Winter cold snap. 

We are going to keep this post round and sweet 🙂 

Being a cold day yesterday, we thought we would make some doughnuts to eat for dessert, as you do, – bit of comfort food we seem to crave when the weather turns cold and wet. As we are on keto, we found a winning recipe to make. Gluten, dairy, refined sugar free and yummy.

Iced with a chocolate glaze, and Bob’s your Uncle! Recipe courtesy of Gnom Gnom – great website for healthy recipes.

64g Almond Flour
28g Coconut Flour
1 T Psyllium Husk
1 t Xanthan Gum
240 ml Water
57g Grassfed Butter or Coconut Oil (have done both and both delicious)
3 T Erythritol or Xylitol
1.4 t salt
3 Eggs
1 t Vanilla Essence
1 t Baking Powder

Preheat oven to 220°C. Grease and flour (with coconut flour) a donut pan. Alternatively, line a baking tray with parchment paper and draw circles 3 1/2 inches in diameter. 

Whisk together in a medium bowl almond flour, coconut flour, psyllium husk and xanthan gum. Set aside. 

Heat up water, butter, sweetener and salt in medium pot until it just begins to simmer. Lower heat to low and add in flour mixture, mixing constantly to incorporate. Continue to cook and stir until the dough pulls away from the pan and forms into a ball, 1-3 minutes. 

Transfer dough back to the bowl and allow to cool for 5 minutes. The dough should still be warm, but not hot enough to scramble the eggs.

Add in one egg at a time, mixing with an electric mixer at medium/high speed until fully incorporated. Be sure to mix the dough for 2 minutes after adding in the last egg; the final texture should be very elastic. Mix in vanilla extract and baking powder. 

Allow the dough to rest until it comes to room temperature (about 15-20 minutes). I’ve come to realize this is a very important step to keep your donuts from deflating much post bake; the donuts will rise a bit less but hold their shape better.

Spoon dough into a piping bag or plastic bag (no tip needed). Cut out bottom of piping bag 2 cm (3/4 inch) wide. Pipe out dough onto donut pan, or onto prepared parchment paper (staying within the drawn circle). Wet your finger tip and smooth out where the ends meet (for a more even rise).

 for 15 minutes at 220°C, lower temperature to 180°C and continue to bake for 17-20 minutes until deep golden. Do not open your oven door before the first 20 minutes (or at all if possible!), as choux pastry is notoriously sensitive to drafts. Allow to rest in pan for 10 minutes before removing. 

Then enjoy!

Krystie “MMMmmmm” and Paul “can I have another” Miller