
In order to live a happy and healthy life we need to take a holistic approach. At Results Personal Training we combine the Mental, Physical and Emotional bodies in order to give you a complete comprehensive, no stone unturned approach.


Thoughts determine our feelings, feeling determine our actions and actions determine our results.

1- Have clearly marked out goals

Having a clear understanding of your goals will help you stay motivated. Everyday take action steps to start turning your goals into reality.

2- Understand the power of choice

We were blessed with the power of choice and I urge you to make the right choices in your life. When you are presented with a choice, really take the time to think about it. How will it affect you or others around you? Many choices we make are for short term fulfilment and often take us further and further away from what we really want. Make sure you choose wisely.

3- Take personal responsibility

It is up to you to make the change that you want. No one else is going to do it for you. Take responsibility for your own actions and commit each and every day to move forward on your journey.

4- Have quiet time

Take time out every day to reflect on things. This may be done in the form of meditation, a walk in nature, painting, dancing or it might even be singing. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as it’s taking time out to relaxing and de-stress.


1- Eat real food from sustainable organic sources

Focus on eating foods that are free from chemicals, herbicides, pesticides and fungicides. The food you eat should come from healthy soils which grow healthy plants and are then eaten by healthy animals. The consumption of healthy animals and plants will make for healthy humans.

2- Eat like your ancestors

If it runs, swims, flies or can be picked and plucked, then eat it. Eat food that Mother Nature provided for us.

3- Mother nature is not stupid

Do you think Mother Nature is trying to harm you? No! Mother Nature didn’t put the yolk in eggs so you can take them out. Mother Nature didn’t put the skin on chicken or the fat on your steak so that you should cut them off. Natural foods are a gift and serve a purpose to nourish your body. It is not these natural foods that are making us sick and fat, it is processed foods that are highly toxic that are leading us to malnutrition and ultimately disease

4- Hydrate

Dehydration places a huge stress on your body. Drink adequate amounts of filtered water ideally using a reverse osmosis filter. Tap water is full of nasty chemicals, bacteria and heavy metals that disrupt the harmony of your body.


1- Perform functional movements

Movements your body is naturally designed to do. Squatting, bending, lunging, pushing, pulling, twisting and gait based movements.

2- Create balance

It is important to strengthen and stretch the body in the correct way for you, creating muscular balance and optimal alignment. This will ensure you use the correct neural and muscular firing patterns.

3- Vary your programs

By keeping your programs varied you are able to keep a flow of healthy stresses on your body. Train for strength, speed, power, agility and endurance utilising different periodization methods to get the most out of your goals.

4-  Move

We don’t stop moving because we grow old; we grow old because we stop moving. Take time out every day to move, whether its walking or training at the gym it doesn’t matter, just move.