Happy Monday!

(beautiful flowers I couldn’t resist buying today)

So much for the stormy weather over the weekend – what a beautiful Saturday and Sunday afternoon we had. Spring brings such a beautiful change – the gorgeous colours in the garden – trees and flowers, the smell of freshly cut grass, baby lambs sitting amongst daffodils, the sweet smells of the flowers, the warmth of the vibrant sunshine on our skin along with the new motivation for movement. For some, Spring is the time for shedding the unwanted kg’s gained over Winter.

There’s an old saying “give a man a fish and he will eat well for a day but teach a man how to fish and he will for life”

There is a sea of chaotic nutritional advice, fads, gimmicks and just plain diet craziness out there. In this post, we are going to tell you where the healthy fish swim and where to drop your line so to speak.

At Results our nutritional philosophy is simple JERF – Just Eat Real Food.   We educate our clients on the importance of organic or chemical free foods. We teach on the importance of Wild and Pasture raised vs conventional. We believe in supporting local farmers markets and growers 

Here are some nutritional guidelines we recommend.. 

1 – Eat real, whole natural foods 

2 – Eat more vegetables and fruits preferably organic. Throw them in soups and salads 

3 – Eat naturally raised meats including grass fed beef and lamb, wild game, fresh fish from non polluted waters, pasture raised poultry. 

4 – Eat nose to tail including plenty of organ meats from healthy, wild, natural sources 

5 – If you don’t have a dairy issue (many do) then Raw milk and dairy are great options. If you can’t get raw milk in your area then organic non homogenized.

6 – Use traditional fats and oils in cooking. Butter, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil.

7 – If you don’t have a gluten issue then grains, seeds and nuts that have been properly prepared with soaking and sprouting. 

8 – Prepare and consume homemade meat and vegetable stocks from the bones and carcasses of beef, fish, chicken and lamb 

9 – Use Celtic sea salt, herbs and spices to aid with digestion and appetite stimulation 

10 – Use small amounts of natural sweeteners. Raw honey, molasses and maple syrup 

11 – Use dark chocolate and wine as occasional indulgences 

12 – Get plenty of “good” sleep, smart exercise and natural light 

13 – Practise self love and forgiveness – your thoughts are powerful and have an effect on everything including digestion 

14 – Practice self discipline. In our world of abundance it’s easy to get caught in the game of instant gratification 

15 – Look at, smell and give thanks and praise for the food in front of you. It gave it’s life so you and your family can live yours 

Vote with your dollar and be the change you want to see. Once you understand where your food comes from you will look at the world in an entirely different set of eyes. 

Paul “smelling the flowers” and Krystie “drinking the wine…. or is it the other way around” Miller