Meet Cortisol 

Released by the adrenal glands in response to both physical and psychological stressors. Cortisol is essential for survival, however too much will suppress your immune system, inhibit sleep and lead to fat gain particularly in the abdominal area. 

Meet Insulin  

Insulin is released in order to facilitate the entry of glucose to the cells. When energy stores in muscle cells are depleted, insulin stores energy as glycogen. However when glycogen is full, excess calories are stored as fat. When you eat an unhealthy diet of processed foods and refined carbohydrates insulin levels become elevated. The long term result is an increased risk for diabetes 

Meet Estrogen 

Many consider Estrogen to be the feminine hormone and Estrogen is often incorrectly thought of as the hormone that leads to fat gain. Estrogen is actually a key player in fat burning BUT only when it’s in balance with other hormones. 

Unfortunately Estrogen is often elevated due to lack of physical activity, exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and poor food choices. 

Meet Leptin 

Leptin is secreted from fat tissue once insulin levels return to normal after eating. Leptin crosses the blood brain barrier and circulates the brain suppressing appetite and affecting many other hormones involved in metabolic rate. 

Meet Melatonin 

Known as the sleepy hormone. Melatonin is released from the pineal gland and small amounts from the retina in response to darkness. Other than inducing sleep, Melatonin has antioxidant properties and plays an important role in the cascading effects of other hormones. 

Meet Testosterone 

Often thought of as the masculine hormone, Testosterone plays a pivotal role in body composition in both men and women. Testosterone is heavily involved in the functioning of the reproductive system.