Happy Monday Everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Before we get in to today’s newsletter, we just wanted to mention we are still in the hunt for a great trainer to take some bootcamps. These would be early mornings (0545 and 0630) along with evening, (1800)​ sessions. If you know of anyone who has a passion for fitness, or if you think this would be an ideal position for yourself, then please get in touch with us for a chat 🙂 Please spread the word.


Do you want to be more flexible, have better posture, and be as strong as an Ox? 

As well as getting into the gym for some good training, we recommend natural movement wherever you can. I’m talking about being barefoot.

Barefoot walking and barefoot running (if you are ready for this) do wonderful things for your body.

If you watch any 3 year old running and moving around barefoot, you will see natural movement. Little Timmy has a perfectly upright posture with his head over his hips and his hips over his feet. Little Timmy is moving fluidly, breathing as he should be and probably having fun 

When little Timmy turns 5 he will go to School, where he will be made to sit for prolonged periods and told to keep his padded, cushney shoes on all day. And so begins the downfall of the human skeletal system 

You were born with natural shock-absorbing and motion control technology in your feet. Then you stuck some foot coffins on and sat down all day and wondered why you struggle to squat like a 3 year old. You wonder why you have constant back pain, you wonder why your knees just don’t feel right. 

The sole of your foot has over 200,000 nerve endings all enabling sensory feedback from the feet to the brain. Having better messages in equals better messages out. AKA more flexibility, more strengths and more connecting the dots of brain-body movement 

If you want to be like a supple leopard when you’re in your 80s then do yourself a favour and spend more time barefoot 

If you can’t be barefoot, then buy a pair of barefoot shoes. 

While you’re at it, buy your kids some barefoot shoes too. Barefoot movement is particularly important for toddlers/kids as it’s these years that really develop neurological pathways allowing for fluid skillful movement. Thick soled shoes may actually inhibit the growth of their brains 

Here are just a few ideas to wet the whistle 

For more information on the best prices on Vivo shoes or if you want to try some on for sizing = fitnesscamp@hotmail.com

Have a great day,

Paul “barefoot” and Krystie “bigfoot” Miller