Happy Monday Everyone!

Hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather over the weekend. So good for the soul as well as the Vitamin D!

Paul enjoyed watching the football Sunday morning, seeing England win. Not sure who else is following however England have a good chance of winning the UEFA, or so Paul keeps telling me (convincing himself ;). Some of the games have been pretty early starts here in NZ, so the alarm has been going off all sorts of hours in the morning. This brings us to todays post.

Do this for 5 hours and a 32% fat increase is on the cards!

If you’re not getting enough sleep then you’re facing an arduous battle… 

Countless research studies show that lack of sleep causes weight gain, excessive stress, irritability, immune challenges and even death. 

We all know that failing to get enough sleep is not good for us. When we are sleep deprived we simply feel rubbish. 

In our 20s we party too hard and as a result, lack of sleep takes a toll on our focus to study 

In our 30s we suffer too many late nights and early starts at work because we are grinding to save some money 

When we are 40 the kids keep us awake and we spend our days like zombies 

When we are 50 night sweats come and get us. 

We spend more than half of our lives simply not getting enough sleep…

And that’s a problem 

Here is one study that showed women who slept less than 5 hours a night were 32% more likely to have MAJOR WEIGHT GAIN!


The study found that women who slept for 5 hours per night were 32% more likely to experience major weight gain (defined as an increase of 15kg or more) and 15% more likely to become obese over the course of the 16-year study compared with women who slept 7 hours.

One of the major problems we see is that most people don’t actually know how much sleep they’re getting 

Even though you might be in bed for 8 hours it’s more than likely that you’re not getting 8 hours of good sleep. 

Personally I am a big fan of the OURA ring to track your sleep.

(This is my actual reading)


The Oura ring tracks everything from time in bed, total time asleep, deep sleep, REM sleep, awake time, light sleep, heart rate variability, resting heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature and so, so much more. 

For many it’s nights spent tossing and turning thinking you’re asleep when actually you’re simply in a light phase of sleep and not in any restorative sleep. You’re getting tricked 


So, how does lack of sleep actually make you gain those extra KGs? 


  • Cravings and Hunger increases
  • Your PORTION SIZE goes up 
  • You eat more high calorie and carb heavy foods to feel satisfied 
  • Your STRESS hormones rise causing you to hang on to fat 


Many of us can’t always get 7-9 hours of quality sleep (those bloody kids 🙂 


There are things you can do


1 – Speed up the time it takes you to fall asleep – sleep latency 

2 – Be in DEEP sleep for longer 


Ever had those nights where you go to bed but you just can’t seem to fall asleep? 

You toss and turn and your mind just won’t shut off and the next thing you know you’re getting stressed because you can’t sleep 

Or how about those nights where you thought you slept okay but you wake up in the morning only to feel like you have been hit by a bus. Lack of deep restorative sleep will do that to you 

Deep sleep is the most crucial cycle of sleeping. It’s where we recharge the battery and reset our hormones 

Anyway the BEST way I have found to have an amazing night sleep (bar sending the kids off to the grandparents) is to take a high quality Magnesium 

NOT just any magnesium though. You really need a HIGH QUALITY magnesium 




I take 4 of these at night and I’m out like a light! 


These are practitioner only supplements meaning they are potent and proven. 


Anyway i’m just about to do another order and wondered if you too would like to sleep like a baby 

They’re $39.50 for 120 tablets 

Anyway if you’re interested then flick me a quick email and i’ll grab you some – orders in by Wednesday please 🙂 


Anyway, here is to deep, restorative sleep to keep you healthy, fit and energised.

Paul “get to bed earlier” and Krystie “hurry up and sleep through the night kids” Miller