It’s Monday, as if you didn’t know 

For many it’s the day of dread, back to work with all the stresses that come with it. 

I can’t do much about your daily grind but I can give you a few tips to get the week started right 

1 – Drink a big glass of water 

Before you do your Cuban espresso, matcha green tea or dirty chai consume a big glass of water, 500ml is a good start 

2 – Turn off the news and read a book 

Do yourself a favour and turn off CNN (constantly negative news) and pick up a book instead. I am currently working my way through “The Brain that Changes itself “ by Norman Doidge. Essentially it’s a story of triumph from the frontiers of brain science specifically around neuroplasticity. If you like brain science it’s a must read. 

3 – Go exercise at the gym, walk the Peak.. do something 

You owe it to yourself. It’s not a punishment but a luxury. Movement is a gift 

4 – Text or call your mum, dad or a good friend. 

Tell them they are awesome. Why? …  why not! 

5 – Eat a good breakfast 

Skip the sugar laden cornflakes this morning and go for some real food. If it runs, swims, flys or you can pluck it, pick it, or it has a mum and dad then eat it. 

6 – Avoid beer, wine or any other alcohol today 

Why? Because it’s Monday and you probably had more than your fair share over the weekend 🤦

7 – Train your brain 

Just like training your body, one would benefit immensely from training their brain too. The key to training your brain is challenging multiple senses. Try brushing your teeth with your non dominant hand. Give yourself a smell challenge by closing your eyes and identifying herbs, spices or even essential oils. Have a go at this … 

8 – Go to bed earlier 

Sleep is probably the number 1 thing you can do to feel good. 

Here are some sleep truth bombs

 💣  Lack of sleep is the most overlooked factor contributing to obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more 

💣  Sleep deprivation generates a hormonal cascade leaving you tired, wired, hungry, insulin resistant, craving sweets and more likely to store fat

💣  It’s been only about 80 years since we first brought the sun indoors and turned nighttime into day. With the flip of a switch we can manipulate the seasons. Long days and short nights all year around. Endless Summer isn’t just a movie about surfing. Did you know that the centre for disease control classifies an all nighter as potentially cancer causing 

Well there you have it, my 8 ways to start the week right. Would love to hear if there was anything we missed 

Stay strong 

Paul “off to bed” and Krystie “bring back candlelit dinners” Miller