Morning Everyone! 

Hope your week has kicked off to a good start. A little chilly we must say, but lovely to have the fire cranking in the evenings – and during the day – to make you feel that little bit more snug. 

With Autumn/Winter, brings colds and flu’s especially at this stage when one day we have a warm day then the next is really cold.  

The best way to avoid getting sick, and if you do, reduce the time you are, is to put plans into place now. Nutrition should be your number one plan following close behind good sleep and movement.

Here are 7 tips you should be implementing to help increase your immunity over the winter season. 

1. Drink lots of bone broths or add them to soups/stews/meals – time to invest in a slow cooker if you do not own one already
2. Make lots of homemade soups/stews – warming meals full of vegetables and bones
3. Increase your Vitamin C intake – lots of green leafy vegetables, brocolli, cauli etc. And it may pay to supplement with a good quality vitamin C powder (we use and sell BePure Super Boost C).  We all tend to have a drink a day of this over winter.

4. Stay Hydrated. Drink lots of water even if you do not feel like it. Warm herbal teas will also be beneficial, especially Nettle tea (the multi vitamin of herbs).

5. Get to bed early. It gets dark for a reason, turn the electronics off early and get into bed ideally around 9pm (lights out)

6. Move at least 30 minutes daily. Exercise has proven to be very beneficial to ward off illness. Any kind of movement is beneficial, so find something you enjoy and move.

7. Head outside and allow the sunshine on your skin. Vitamin D is essential for mental health (happiness).

8. Listen to your body – what foods are you craving – you will be drawn to warmer stodgier foods so make the best choices. Are you feeling tired/stressed – go for a gentle walk/breathing

Winter is a time for hibernation, rejuvenation and warmth. Make time for yourself, rest, nourish and listen to what your body and mind needs. 

Stay healthy,

Krystie “broth through and through” and Paul “let greens be greens” Miller