
Paul Miller Havelock North Personal Trainer shares his top 7 strategies for detoxing the body

Are you feeling tired, sluggish and run down? Are you suffering from skin problems, digestive problems or aches and pains that just never seem to go away? Are you struggling to lose the excess weight despite all the hard effort you put in to your training? If so, then it is time that you went on a detox.

Detoxification is about cleaning the body from inside out. By eliminating our toxic build up and replenishing our body with healthy nutrients, we are able to protect ourselves from sickness and disease and optimise our bodies function.


  • Eliminate all processed food.

They are chemically laden and often full of additives and preservatives that are toxic to your body. Focus on eating real food that is organic and local. Find out where your local farmers market is and buy your foods there.


  • Drink half of your body weight (pounds) in ounces of clean purified water daily.

Purchase a water filter system for your home or drink high quality bottled water. This is highly recommended if you live in an area with fluoride in the water (Hastings).


  • Drink a Green drinks daily.

They are highly alkalising to the body which is great for removing toxins from the lymph system and encouraging new cell growth. As a bonus they are low in sugar, low in calories and full of fibre, vitamins and minerals.


  • Use detox teas daily.

They are a great way of getting rid of chemical impurities. Boil your water, add the tea bag and leave it to brew for at least 5 minutes. Drink them slowly on an empty stomach. You will find that your energy may increase and often people report that bloating disappears.


  • Use a high quality fibre supplement.

Fibre is a part of the plant food that is not digested, so it passes through your digestive system. During this process it mops up and collects other undigested matter along the way helping to push and clear it out.


  • Use an Infra-red sauna.

Studies have found that Infra-red sauna’s are a great tool for detoxing. According to Dr Clement, a specialist in the area of detox and a medical director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, Infra-red saunas help eliminate every type of toxic load on your body, with the most notable being mercury and lead. On top of that, Infra-red saunas enhance circulation and help oxygenate you body’s tissues.


  • Detox your mind.

Sit alone in a room and concentrate on your breathing. Visualise your toxic fear, negativity, cynicism and all other negative emotions drifting away. Try meditation to calm your mind and spend time thinking positive thoughts on a conscious level every day. Thoughts such as love, gratitude, appreciation, compassion, joy, hope, pride and inspiration. There is a strong link between body and mind and it is essential to work on detoxifying both.


Give these 7 strategies a go for at least 30 days and see how great you feel.