We have been personal training for over 22 years now, working with REAL people. Here are 5 things that the fitness influencer won’t tell you 


1  – You’re not more lazy or unmotivated than anyone else 


If you are struggling with being consistent then it’s probably because you just haven’t found the program or workout routine that suits you and your life. 


I’m pretty sure it’s not a motivational quote or some kind of dramatic video with Sally six pack showing you how to do a handstand pushup off the rings 


Instead of trying to force someone else’s ideal’s, your time would be far better spent focusing on finding ways to move that you enjoy. 


2 – In order to get results you need repetition NOT randomness 


If you want to see real progress, you have to repeat the same exercises for 4-6 weeks. These exercises don’t always have to be exactly the same, for example you can use a technique known as specialised variety in which the pattern remains the same but a tweak to a hand/leg position or a change to volume may occur. For example you may be working on increasing your ability to perform chin ups. The pattern would be vertical pulling and every now and again you could add a mixed grip chin up or a chin up using some fat gripz. BUT if you are constantly changing things and performing different workouts every time you go to the gym, this is going to be far less effective. 


3 – Intensity doesn’t always equate to effectiveness 


High intensity workouts have their time and place, but you don’t need to obliterate yourself every single session. 


Often lowering the intensity, focusing on form, mobility or dialling in the skill of the lift can be incredibly beneficial to your overall progress 


4 – You can’t spot reduce… BUT you sorta can… 


Crunches aren’t going to shed belly fat, tricep kickbacks aren’t going to ‘’tone’’ your arms. Fat loss is systemic and you can’t choose where it comes off from. 


That said – there is always a reason why one may typically store fat in a given area. An excess of estrogen often results in fat storage around the hips and thighs. Too much cortisol may well result in fat being stored around the abdominals.


Often spending time addressing the underlying endocrine causes can result in fat loss in specific areas 


5 – Weight loss doesn’t have to be your goal 


All those before and after photos that you are constantly bombarded with on social media may make it seem like weight loss is the only accomplishment for those attending the gym. 


The reality is goals that typically have nothing to do with weight loss are often more motivating and can make the training process more fun, leading to more consistency in your fitness journey 


Know that it is okay if you want to train for weight loss, strength, muscle or simply the joy of movement. 


Whatever your goals, we are here for you www.personal-trainers.co.nz