Unfortunately in the fitness industry there seems to be this misconception that people are “lazy’’ or “unmotivated” if they’re not consistent or winning on their fitness journeys, but we think that couldn’t be further from the truth!

Parents, business owners, service workers and many others spend their days working relentlessly. How could one consider these people to be lazy? 

The truth is these people simply haven’t found their groove yet. In this post we are going to share 5 mistakes that may be preventing you from hitting your stride. Note, that none of these have anything to do with motivation 

  1. Intensity over sustainability or steady 

When starting a fitness journey most people want to go all in. It’s 100% or nothing. They decide they will go to the gym 7 days a week, perform HIIT training for all those sessions and go on a diet of less than 1000 calories. 

Don’t make these same mistakes. Slow and steady wins the race. Get on a plan that you can maintain for years not weeks. Simply ask yourself, can I see myself doing this a year from now? If the answer is NO, then it’s not the plan for you 

2. Not understanding rate of perceived exertion (RPE) 

Not every exercise needs to be a balls to the wall, 10 out of 10, I physically couldn’t do anymore even if you were holding a gun to my head. 

The majority of your training should be done at 70-80%. This allows you to build more volume while maintaining perfect form and allowing for better recovery 

3. Not using the principle of progressive overload 

If you do the same workout over and over without adjusting the weight, reps, sets, range of motion, difficulty or frequency then your body will simply adapt to the stimulus and you will stop progressing. 

In order to keep progressing and prevent the dreaded plateau, you need to keep manipulating the variables for progression 

4. Not having a solid plan 

If you’re winging your workouts based on what equipment was available at the time then you’re leaving a lot of potential gains on the table. 

Having a plan or better still let us program your workouts like we do at Results Fitnesscamp so you literally don’t need to think. All you need to do is turn up and we will take care of the rest. 

5. Doing instagram workouts 

For most part instagram workouts are nothing more than “flashy’’ and “sexy’’ exercises that aren’t going to give you the body of the instagram trainer showing them to you. More often than not these instagram trainers are genetically gifted, could eat pies all day and would still look like a Greek God and Goddess. 


Stick with the basics. Squat, bend, push, pull and twist. Repeating the basics constantly is what will get you results.