Fat Loss

Let’s be honest. You’re overweight and you think the only way to lose weight is by eating less and exercising. Am I right?

Most diets rely on a starvation principle that massively restricts the amount of calories you consume. In the short term you will lose weight but most of this will be muscle wastage and water weight with very little actually being from fat. These starvation diets cause us to store fat for survival and in turn put more weight on in the long run.

Calorie restricted diets signal a starvation response in your body. This response will down regulate your metabolism and increase hunger. This response originates back from our hunter-gatherer days where food was scarce. Our bodies developed a way in which to conserve valuable energy (calories) and fat in order to survive.
Starvation diets are not the answer and adding exercise on top of this will only make things worse.

There are 3 main reasons you’re not losing stubborn body fat no matter how hard you try

Reason 1. Your hormones are out of whack.

Most fitness programmes and personal trainers focus primarily on the calories in vs. calories out principle. Now if it was that simple then I can guarantee there would be a lot more people walking around with their tops off showing their flat stomachs. The fact is that your hormones control virtually every aspect of fat burning. In fact hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, leptin, cortisol, DHEA and pregnenolone are absolutely critical when it comes to fat loss. So if your current weight loss program or personal trainer isn’t specifically addressing your internal hormone environment, then you can pretty much forget about getting the body of your dreams let alone a flat stomach.

Reason 2. Your workouts suck.

To be honest, most people have absolutely no idea how to exercise effectively to burn the maximum amount of fat. Most people have what seems to be an addiction to running on the treadmill for hours on end in the hope they will drop the weight. This method simply just doesn’t work. Your exercise program needs to incorporate specific exercises, reps, sets, rest time and tempo in order to boost your metabolism and raise excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.

Reason 3. You have no support.

Most programs leave you to go it alone or if you do see a personal trainer, usually you will see him a couple of times a week for an hour but that’s it. Now, there are 168 hours in a week so that gives you 166 hours to screw up all your hard work. Scientific research shows that if you want to significantly increase your chances of success get social support. It will motivate and encourage you to reach your goals. So, there I have given you 3 reasons why you’re failing to lose the weight. But that doesn’t really help you does it. What you need is a solution right? At this point you have two choices; one, you could just click of this page and in a years’ time you will probably weigh exactly the same (if not heavier) as you do right now. Or you can check out the solution from a Hawkes Bay Personal Trainer