I have been in the fitness industry for 18 years now and a lot has changed. Fitness, nutrition and health information is constantly evolving; Once upon a time butter, coconut oil and other saturated fats were vilified but today they are considered a staple of health.

In the 80s if you wanted to stay in shape you donned your leg warmers and leopard print spandex (at least I did 🙂 and you grapevined your way to a booty. Today we choose HIIT training or some-kind of metabolic conditioning workouts.






















































































































Much has changed over the last few decades… now I am just waiting for the tables to be turned on Hokey Pokey ice cream 🙂

Despite the fads that come and go there are some fundamentals of fitness, nutrition and health that have stood the test of time and have even advanced in scientific research. Although some of them being plain obvious I wished I would have implemented them earlier in life.

I am going to credit my parents with this post. As many of you know they have been staying with Krystie and I and maybe telling Krystie too many stories of me raiding their fridge and eating them out of house and home and their trials and tribulation of me being a young personal trainer.

Without further ado…

1 – Health goes way beyond – calories, carbs and how many gym sessions you did this week. Happiness and fulfillment make the top of the list and laughter and a good walk are the best medicine for it.

2 – Dance like nobody’s watching. I know it’s a little cliche but it’s true. Milly and I have had a dance nearly every night for the last couple of years.

3 – One bad meal will not make you fat! BUT stressing about it might!

4 – Stop arguing about what’s better – crossfit, f45, Yoga, Pilates etc. Find something you enjoy and go do it.

5 – Chocolate is awesome. Make it dark and never ever feel guilty about it.

6 – The next time you take medication stop for a second and ask yourself ‘why do you need it’ and ‘what caused this to happen’ – Medication is addressing a symptom – getting healthy is addressing the root cause

7 – Be more like a lion. Spend the day snoozing, eat your organ meats, sprint, stretch, don’t worry if you get a little muddy and make lots of sweet music with your lioness 🙂

8 – Train because you want to be the best version of yourself not because you think you should punish yourself

9 – Your ‘I CAN’ is more important than your ‘IQ’ – Believe in yourself and go kick butt

10 – Listen to your mother when she says ‘chew your food.’ Your gut will thank you

11 – To get the beach body, the sleep you get is of equal importance to your physical training session

12 – Spending time playing in end range of motion is a game changer when it comes to movement quality.

13 – Learn to breathe through your belly. Breathing correctly is the first step in hormonal optimisation

14 – Just Eat Real Food. Enough said

15 – Daily ripples of good habits become waves of success. Pick one thing, do it consistently so it becomes a habit. Add something else

16 – You are what you eat. That’s why I am a pancake and Krystie is a caramello chocolate. Just kidding!

17 – Do the opposite to everyone else. Follow a different path.

Most people have no goals. Therefore establish some goals

Most people don’t train. Therefore do train

The majority think seeing their doctor is good for optimising health. Having good health habits is great for your health

Most people spend 4 hours a day watching TV. Don’t do it. When you look back at your life is it the TV shows that you watch what you cherish?

Most people don’t read. You’re reading this now. Thank you

18 – As Woody Allen said ‘’90% of success is just showing up’’ Forget about the minutia and focus on the big rocks. Show up, work hard and enjoy the process.

That’s it for today.

Paul “The Pancake” and Krystie “No Guilt” Miller