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Paul Miller Personal Trainer Havelock North shares 10 mind shifts to help empower you to lose the fat and get into the best shape ever!

1. Everything matters

How you look is a product of how you live. The way you look goes much further than just diet and exercise. For example if you’re doing a job that you dislike, it will suck the life out of you taking away much needed energy that would be well used at the gym.

2. Focus on behaviours not outcomes

When you set a goal, more often than not it will be an outcome goal such as ‘I want to lose 7kgs’. Unfortunately, you have no power over outcome comes but you do have power over behavioural goals such as I plan to train 5x this week or I will eat vegetables for breakfast everyday this month.

 3. Do the stuff that you find hardest

When people decide they want to lose weight, often they believe they will do whatever it takes. However the truth is very different, people want something that is easy, quick and they get results yesterday. If you are truly committed to losing the weight, you have to do things that take you out of your comfort zone. For example getting up earlier to fit your workouts in, logging your nutrition down on a daily basis and selecting the exercises that have the biggest bang for your buck such as squats.

 4. Create your own fat loss map

There is no one single solution that will help you lose all the weight. Take time to seek advice from many experts in the field of fitness and nutrition and implement what works. As Bruce Lee says ‘’absorb what is useful and disregard the rest’

 5. Be prepared to change your strategy without changing your vision

If you find yourself on a fitness/nutrition plan that isn’t working then don’t give up, just change course. Take with you anything from the plan that has worked and implement a new plan. Don’t fall victim to giving up just because something didn’t work.

 6. Eliminate on the spot decisions

The more decisions we have to make the higher the chance of screwing up. Keep things as simple as possible. For example plan out in advance what meals you’re going to have for the week. Have a shopping list with all the foods you need on it. Automate everything.

 7. Determine your level of effectiveness

What’s your minimal effective dose? Are you an 80% good 20%bad with your nutrition or are you 90%/10%? Can you work out 3 times per week or do you work out 6 times per week? Test and measure.

 8. Except full responsibility of your situation

You are where you are because of the things you have done.  Nobody apart from yourself can sabotage your efforts; you are in control of your destiny.

 9. Focus on consistency

Find the things that work for you and continue to do those things day in day out.

 10. Ask yourself – is it sustainable?

Losing weight is not the biggest challenge, keeping it off is. Statistically 95% of people who lose weight on a calories controlled diet put it all back on and then some within two years. There are things we can do in the short term that will get results however are these things sustainable. When trying a new eating plan or training regime ask yourself ‘can I be doing this 3 years from now?’ Avoid quick fixes and do what is sustainable.
