
With Easter just around the corner Results Fitness Camp, Bootcamp Hawkes Bay thought they would bring you the 10 Commandments of Fat Loss and Fitness

1 – Thou shalt – Eat when hungry, but only when hungry.

Starving yourself to lose weight simply doesn’t work. When you don’t eat enough food, your body signals a starvation response, reduces your metabolism and makes you more hungry. This process dates back to our hunter-gatherer days. When food was scarce our bodies developed a way to conserve its most valuable source of energy, fat, in order to survive.
On the flip side eating mindlessly because you have had a bad day will make you fat. Plain and simple.

2 – Thou shalt – Eat real food.

Real food is nutrient rich packed with vitamins and minerals to support your metabolism.

3 – Thou shalt – Eat protein with every meal.

Protein will keep you fuller for longer and is the building blocks to lean muscle.

4 – Thou shalt – Eat lots and lots of green vegetables.

Green vegetables have an array of vitamins and minerals and are low in calories and high in fibre. Eating green vegetables will give you lots of energy to help you through those challenging workouts 🙂

5 – Thou shalt – Eat good fats

Good fats = happy hormones and happy hormones = effortless weight loss. Enjoy nuts, seeds, avocadoes, coconut oil, the skin on your chicken and the fat on your steak!

6 – Thou shalt – Train doing metabolic boosting workouts.

Metabolic boosting workouts is a programming method we use at Results Fitness Camp. The concept is to work your whole body using multi-joint functional exercises that give you the biggest bang for your buck in the shortest time.

7 – Thou shalt – Drink 2-3 litres of water a day.

We are made up of around 70% water and water is essential for our bodies to function. Water will flush toxins from your body.

8 – Thou shalt – Have some kind of food plan and strategy.

Plan ahead. Write down what you plan to eat and then follow the plan. Knowing what you’re going to have and when you’re going to have it MASSIVELY increases your chances of fat loss success.

9 – Thou shalt – Eat well 90% of the time.

This means 2-3 meals a week you can be a little more relaxed. Enjoy a glass of wine or two (not the whole bottle please) go out for dinner or indulge in some dark chocolate. Whatever it is, just keep it to 10% of the time

10 – Thou shalt – Never ever drink sugary drinks again.

Sugary drinks such as cola, lemonade amongst others are just damn right bad for you. The sugar will sky-rocket your blood sugars and will ultimately get stored as fat. Drinking these drinks will leave you walking the path of diabetes

There you have it. Simple but effective.