

Cellulite is a girls worst friend. Cellulite is basically fat deposits under the skin. The fat pushes up against connective tissue and makes a lovely dimply effect and no you don’t need to be overweight to be lucky enough to get it. Dehydration, diet, lack of exercise and hormones can all be responsible for cellulite. Krystie Millward, Personal Trainer Hawkes Bay shares with your six tips to help reduce your cellulite naturally.

1. Lift heavy.

Adding lean muscle tissue through lifting weights will tone your body and reduce cellulite. Aim to complete 3 resistant training sessions per week along with moving (walking/biking etc), at least 2-3 days per week.

2. Keep yourself hydrated.

Drinking water flushes toxins out of your body. Toxins are stored in your fat cells and cause the cells to expand. Drinking lots of water also keeps your skin supple and glowing


3. Cut out sugar!

Sugar is also stored in your fat cells leading to expansion (cellulite). Sugar draws out good minerals from your body leaving your skin lifeless.


4. Skin Brushing.

Buy yourself a natural skin brush and get into the habit of brushing your skin in circular movements once a week. This removes dead skin and increases circulation in the area, helping to remove toxins. Skin brushing also leaves your skin glowing.

5. Eat/drink more collagen.

Bone broths along with vitamin C increases the collagen in your body. Collagen aids in the growth of cells resulting in firm skin. No more chemically laden expensive products necessary, make your own bone broths and get sipping!

6. Reduce/eliminate cheap salt intake.

Good quality sea salt gives your body loads of nutrients whereas poor quality table salt zaps these nutrients. Too much salt can assist with fluid retention resulting in dehydration of the skin… this exaggerates cellulite.

Try these six tips and keep your cellulite under control.