My goal with the fitness and nutrition advice I dispense is to keep it simple. I often find too many are over-complicating and as a result we end up with paralysis by analysis. 

My thing is to help you get the most from your fitness journey in a safe, sensible and scientific way. 

Today I thought I would talk to you a little about motivation. 

Let’s be honest I can give you all the advice, all the tips and tricks but unless you take some ACTION it is worthless. 

As they say “knowing and not doing, is the same as not knowing’’ 

So, here is my earth shattering, life changing advice 😉 



Literally my number 1 rule in fitness is ‘just start’ … do something 


This is how most people approach things..

Inspirations → Motivation → Action 

Here is the thing… have you ever noticed that when you start something you get inspired to do other things too? 

For example when you start exercising you often simply become inspired to start eating better. You then may become inspired to get better sleep and so on.

It works like this..

Action → Inspiration → Motivation → Action → Inspiration → and so on and so forth 

So, my advice is JUST START and you will figure the rest out later 

The key is to keep it simple and develop a strong habit 

If you’re someone that is simply struggling to get off the couch or you don’t have time for yourself because the kids need to be dropped off, picked up, have ballet, gymnastics, swimming, football and every other sport every night of the week…. 

Then I’m going to give you a challenge.. 

My challenge is this; 5 minutes.

That’s it… just 5 minutes everyday I want you to do something 

It might be… 


5 minutes of kettlebell swings 

5 minutes of squat and planks 

5 minutes of mobility and stretching 

Everyone has 5 minutes right? 

I’m pretty confident in saying that after 1 week of doing just 5 minutes you will become inspired to start doing something else 

TAKE ACTION NOW… and start doing something today. 

I would truly love to know what you decided to do with your 5 minutes so email me back and let me know