5 habits that are killing your energy 

1. You have a sleep routine that resembles an Owl

Sleep is critical and keeping the right circadian rhythm for us humans is of the utmost importance. Sleep is your bodies most powerful hormone reset 

Instead try this : 

No caffeine after 1 pm 

No phones after 7pm

No netflix after 9 pm 

No digital devices in the boudoir ever 


2. You can’t help but scroll for breakfast 

If you want to kill your momentum for the day and leave yourself with some mild anxiety then flood your brain with cortisol and unearned dopamine by getting your scroll on 

Instead try this : 

Keep your phone off for an hour after you wake up. Or if that’s too hard then simply don’t go on social media (it’s really not that difficult) 


3. You spend your day eating over processed crap 

Processed CRAP 

C – chemicals 

R – refined sugar and flour 

A – artificial sweeteners, flavours and colours 

P – preservatives 

Your body simply doesn’t recognise ultra processed foods as part of its genetic blueprint. As a consequence your body will use extra (much needed) energy to try and digest this shit 

Instead try this : 

JERF …. Just Eat Real Food !! 

4.  You sit on your ass most of the day 

Eugine Sandow once said “Life is movement. Once you stop moving then you’re dead. Choose life 

The number one thing you can do for your health and wellbeing is move well and move often 

If you’re struggling to get enough movement in then 

Instead try this : 

Sign up to Results PT and get your 45 minute workout done at 0600 or 0630 in the morning. The family will still be tucked up in bed and you can get all the steps and movement you need before most of NZ is even awake 


5. Your sunshine consumption revivals a vampire 

Lack of sun can result in a dip in serotonin and vitamin D 

Low serotonin is linked to depression and reduces energy. Low vit D leads to fatigue, getting sick more easily and a whole host of other ailments

Instead try this : 

Get outside for a 10 minute walk and take your sunnies off. Vit D is for most part absorbed through the eyes  

Conclusion : 

I believe we all know that we need to get good sleep in order to function, we need to eat less crap food and we need to move our bodies regularly. But many still fail even though they know the benefits 

As I often say, “knowing and not doing is the same as not knowing’’ – me 

One of the fundamental differences between those that do the shit to make themselves feel better and those that don’t is…  the people that do often have skin in the game. They simply stump up the money and INVEST in their health and fitness. 

When you make an INVESTMENT then you find the time to do it, you find the energy, you find whatever it requires for you to show up and get it done. Because if you don’t you not only lose out on your health and fitness but you also lose out on your hard earned money. And nobody wants to just throw money away. 

If you want to be better, then put some ‘skin in the game’. Join a gym, personal training studio, yoga studio or whatever your jam is. Just pay the price