Happy Monday


It’s Sunday morning, Krystie and Milly have gone to the market and I am pondering what to write about for this weeks newsletter.



If there are any subjects around the sphere of health and fitness that you would like to get more of an insight into then please let me know. I will try and do my best to cover some of them in up and coming newsletters.


The majority of our clients at Results Personal Training come because they want to have more energy, feel better and look better naked.


For today’s post I am going to give you the 101 on looking better naked


The first thing you want to address is having a plan of attack. That means goal setting because if you don’t know where you’re going, how will you ever know when you get there.


Goal Setting


1 – Set a short term measurable goal.


If your goal is to burn fat and increase lean muscle tone then you are far better to do it as a highly focused short term effort. We’ve found 28 days to be the most optimal. Any longer and there are too many distractions in life to derail your efforts.


2 – You have to commit 100%


A half arsed effort won’t work. I am going to follow the plan but I am still going to have my coffee and my wine. Nope. The problem is one or two little things quickly become three or four little things. The next thing you know your 80/20 then 70/30 and so on.


3 – Focus on process not outcome


I want to lose 7kg is great but you don’t have control over that. Focus on the things you have control over. I am going to train 4 days per week. I am going to commit to 100% nutrition plan. I am going to get to bed by 9pm. Following the process is what will lead to the outcome.


4 – Measure the right kind of progress


Jumping on the scales doesn’t tell you much. It doesn’t tell you if you have lost fat or gained muscle. It doesn’t tell you if you look any different in a given outfit. For better progress measure bodyfat levels, take circumference measurements, take some before and after photos and find some clothes that will give you a better marker for success.


5 – Get social support


Make yourself accountable and work with like-minded people. Having someone there for you when you need them can make all the difference




1 – Train with the purpose in mind.


Just going through the motions is a waste of time. If you’re serious about looking better naked then you need an all out attack of your body fat. An average workout done with maximum intensity will give you far better results than a perfect workout done just going through the motions.


2 – Train 3-5x per week


Anything less than three just isn’t going to be enough to yield significant results. The key is to be consistent with it.

3 – Full body workouts are where it’s at.


Simply full body workouts will utilise more muscles worked compared to split routines. The more muscles worked the more cost or greater demand you put on the workout. Meaning more calories used both during and after the workout through EPOC also known as the afterburn effect.


4 – Keep your workouts short.

Intensity trumps duration when it comes to fat loss. Keep your rest periods down to 30-45 seconds between sets.

5 – Add some interval training in.

Again short and intense is the order of the day. Some hill sprints or just a few tabatas will rev up your fat burning for that beach body


1 – Eat clean

No junk food. Follow the Results 28 day –  Nourishing Nutrition Plan for best results.

2 – Eat adequate amounts of protein

Protein is the building blocks for muscle and you will feel fuller for longer. Enough said!

3 – Eat plenty of vegetables

Eat vegetables with every meal. Yes that includes breakfast. Vegetables are low glycemic index, full of fibre and antioxidant rich.

4 – Eat your good fats

Favouring animal fats that come from fish, pastured animals, and plants that have a low omega 6 intake such as olives, avocados and coconut.  

5 – Keep a food diary

Not only will this keep you accountable but it will create awareness as to what you are actually eating.



Do supplements make a difference to your look great naked goals? Yes they sure do. But know that supplements are just that, supplements. In the same way as you can’t out train a bad diet you can’t out supplement a bad diet either.

1 – Don’t buy budget supplements

As they say – You get what you pay for. Cheap supplements are often full of fillers and who knows what else.

2 – Know that different people need different supplements

There are a few supplements that I think we should all be taking but beyond that it is a good idea to see where you might need a little help. One way is lab testing which can be expensive and another is using the method of Biosignature Modulation, a method based on the correlation between body fat distribution and possible hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances are often the culprit of stubborn body fat storage and other health concerns such as poor sleep, low energy, impaired cognitive function, and more. Krystie and I are a small number of New Zealand trainers qualified to do this.

3 – Protein supplements for looking great naked

Hitting your protein requirements can be challenging. Though I would much rather you get your protein from real sources, the harsh reality is that we live in a time poor society, where meal prep just isn’t top priority. If you do decide to take a protein supplement make sure you get a good quality one. No artificial sweeteners.

Other stuff

1 – Go to bed

Sleep is probably the most important yet underrated thing you can do for hormonal health.

2 – Reduce stress.

It is possible that stress is the primary factor inhibiting your fat loss efforts. Too much stress will throw metabolic hormones out of kilter, alter sleep cycles and increase sugar cravings.

3 – Get up.

Sitting is the new smoking. If you have a desk job, get a standing desk or a treadmill desk.

4 – Do some relaxing activity

No I don’t mean sitting on your butt watching ‘married at first sight’ get up and go for a walk. Or do some meditation.

So there you have it. If you want to look great naked, then commit to 28 days of all out 100% dedication. Train hard, eat clean and get some sleep


Have a great week

Paul ‘’ feels a challenge coming ‘’ and Krystie ‘’did someone say sleep’’ Miller